stars in his eyes
as he stares at
a world of delicacy
and possibility
*opening sidenote: he might have stars in his eyes, but the rest of him looks a dead ringer for Lane Pryce, the Brit enjoying the wild west life at SCDP in Mad Men*
As it should be with something as individual as a birthday, several stand more important than others. And while a few have well established cultural milestones attached to them, I find importance in my personal reactions to each new tally mark added behind my name. These reactions are often slow to grow and usually do not have any connection to that god-awful question, "Well, do you feel any older?" I find that question god-awful now for a new reason: I do feel a little older. Wisdom, contentment, an established sense of self? Possibly, but I also can't shake the feeling that I hear a chorus of the words 'creaky, used to, and tired' working into an unwelcome crescendo.
Birthdays can also be something else, something A Man fully endorses: A substitute New Years. A clean slate and therefore finally a chance to put all those, "I really should," and "I've got to start," blusterings into practice. I've been blessed to have most of this past year include a great relationship with a fantastic girlfriend, and she has been able to give me some of those little tools that help a fresh start.
With all of this in mind, birthdays are really all about being a kid and enjoying the spotlight. Cake and ice cream and presents? No matter the age of the surrounding body and mind, the inner child stays the same. And that's what I'm celebrating today. How, you ask? With this:

And while that may please my inner child, I still have to see the reflection in the mirror. So I'm off for a run! Wearing my new kicks (Thanks Babe!)

Here's to hoping you find a day to take the first steps toward what you hope and dream about (Not a bad wish for birthday candles actually...),
A Man